Hiawatha: Introduction

Some years ago ( 19.04.2011 ) I tested several webservers and rated Hiawatha with just 1 of 5 points.

When I wrote a résumé of my experiences in the IT domain, I stumbled upon my rating of Hiawatha.

I thought it would be a good idea to give it another try, and it was.
I was digging into the configurations and possibilities of Hiawatha for several hours straight, and fell in love with it.

Since the webserver isn’t that popular yet (for whatever reason that is) I’ll write some articles about Hiawatha, it’s few quirks, it’s endless possibilities and other useful configurations around it.

If you need help with Hiawatha, just leave a comment here (with a genuine email of course), or ask over at the official Hiawatha forum, Hugo Leisink is a very kind and committed developer.

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5 Antworten zu Hiawatha: Introduction

  1. Pingback:Hiawatha: WBB4 compatibility - SolSoCoG.de

  2. Pingback:Hiawatha: phpMyAdmin sorting Error 403 fix - SolSoCoG.de

  3. Pingback:Hiawatha: Prevention - SolSoCoG.de

  4. Pingback:Hiawatha: PolarSSL Advantage - SolSoCoG.de

  5. Pingback:Hiawatha: Hisser - SolSoCoG.de

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